About Us / Products / Giving Back

 B7ĀVE Enterprises LLC, the parent company of The B7ĀVE and S.I.P.S. Brand Products & Services, At The Appointed Time Consulting and Nakia The B7ĀVE Speaker Franklin

Our Mission

B7ĀVE Enterprises, LLC’s mission is to become Boundless, while receiving Redemption through self-love and acceptance and discovering what we have been Appointed to achieve while becoming Victorious through Empowerment.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to see our clients positively and powerfully empowered while impacting themselves, communities, the environment, the world and the nation. In this process we seek for a healthier, safer, happier and freer world. We envision a world where human beings are exactly who they are created to be without bias, judgment and disempowerment. Our clients will share their positive experiences and outcomes through their actions. This will be measured by an increase of them sponsoring other clients, sharing our programs and services with their network and community. Additionally, it will be measured by having our services provided within corporations, communities and families to see an increase in positive impacts on the world. We see B7ĀVE Enterprises, LLC as a household name, brand and a lifestyle.

Our audience

We help small to mid-sized companies retain employees, build their brands, and enhance the company's cultural experiences. We offer 1-day to 3-day conferences that will create team building, leadership development, and effectiveness in overall communication.

We will sit with our client to sculpt a focus, create a topic, the intention and a desirable outcome prior to any presentation, share and engagement. It is individualized with you in mind.

Our clients are Black Professional Single Women who are Mothers that want to be accepted, related to, heard, understood, supported, and empowered to achieve their goals, dreams, visions, and divine purpose. They are 24-49, head of household, have 1-4 children and are seeking a community that will hold them accountable and be supportive while empowering them to transform their lives to achieve what is believed to be impossible.

We support our customers as a "Solutions Provider" that guides them towards success, freedom, and wealth.  HER success is OUR success.
We offer individual and group mentoring, consulting, masterminds, workshops, seminar series, trainings and conferences that foster relationship building, self-love and empowerment.

Additionally, achieving lasting personal growth, focused intentions, leadership, team building and development, while enhancing their effectiveness with having empowering conversations are added values that can be acquired with active participation and the fulfillment of thier agreement(s). We will sit with our client to sculpt a personalized plan based on their intention(s) and a desired outcome(s) after a discovery call has been completed and we are contracted to provide services based on the terms of the agreement.

Our services are tailored to the client, we cannot guarantee any results and do not attest that results are typical. We do expect each client will fulfill thier contractual commitment and do the work to see the results they state they desire to achieve or work towards achieving.

Are You Ready to Commit to Your Visions, Goals, Dreams and Purpose?
Are You Ready to Work Towards Your Transformation?
Do You Feel Boundless, Empowered, and Worthy?
Are You Ready to Discover What's Possible?
Are You Ready for You?

Our Products / Giving Back

Our Products are made for the B.7.Ā.V.E. community of people that refuses to allow fear, boundaries, resistance, and the unknowns stop them. They are for those who live life Boundless, possess a R(7)edeemed mindset, know they are Anointed and Appointed for greatness, are seeking Victorious living and are not afraid to live a life Empowered. Our line of products is created to be wearable, sharable, and tangible to generate revenue to ease the cost of our conferences, programs, and workshops.

A percentage of the proceeds will go to non-profit organizations to support social justice, inclusivity, equity, and equality efforts. We are also contributing to non-profit organizations who provide resources and treatment to children who have been impacted by sexual assaults, molestation, and physical abuse. We seek to contribute to communities who treat survivors of mental, sexual, and physical abuse, crimes of passion and crimes against children and the elderly. We will donate to entities who are fighting against incurable health concerns such as any form of cancer, strokes, lupus, Alzheimer’s, depression, mental health, anorexia and bulimia, women who can't conceive and those impacted by heart disease.

Although our niche and target markets are to Empower Black Professional Single Women who are Mothers, my expertise helping Returning Citizens further empowers the family unit to be successful and healed from brokenness. Organizations interested in our offers to empower their employees can request a discovery call. Choosing to utilize our programs and speaker opportunities will be doing so in support of our efforts to build a brand that seeks to give back. Although this is not an all-inclusive list, we ask that you be B.7.Ā.V.E. and discover where you can make a difference. Partner with B.7.Ā.V.E. Manifestations, LLC and/or sponsor a Professional Single Women who is a Mother, today.

Be a B7ĀVE stand against the denial of liberties, freedoms, and rights of all humans.